Celebrity Wolves: Oct 13, 2011


Actor/Producer TOM MALLOY, Hollywood's Big-bad Wolf!

Thanks Tom, great photo. Very symbolic. :)

Torso Attachment Completed: Aug. 24, 2011 

We sculpted the torso about a week ago and were able to cast it and attach it to the first mask today. We are very happy with the way it turned out. The torso piece will be sold separately, but will need to be purchased when the mask is purchased so that it can be professionally attached. Customers can buy the torso piece after the fact, but would have to attach it themselves. The lack of proper materials may become a problem.

The Hyena Color Scheme

Big News: Aug 8, 2011 

Black & Brown Color Schemes

Big news! We sold several of the werewolf masks and we are proud to report that our masks have found celebrity homes. Actor/Producer Tom Malloy now owns an EDS Werewolf Mask, We hope to post photos of Tom in his mask very soon. Thanks Tom!

To get your werewolf click here.



Prototype Paint Scheme: July 18, 2011 

Well, as you can see the mask is done. We intend to create accessories to complemnt the werewolf, but our main focus is promoting the new mask. Feel free to visit the EDS Store to purchase your mask before the Halloween rush. Price are currently modest, but as we moving into October the cost will raise due to last minute production.

First Pull: July 9, 2011


The first pull was a success. We will begin painting this weekend. We are very proud of the progress and looking forward to keeping our friends up dated on the progress. In addition to the info here, we have posted several videos on our youtube channel. Enjoy!

Completed Mold: July 4, 2011


Two exhausting days and the werewolf mold is finally complete. Now we have to clean up the disaster. I really hate mold days. They seem endless and are extremely filthy. Plaster gets everywhere. between that and dried water based clay the studio turns into a dust bowl reminciant of a Steinbeck epic.

We recorded the process and plan to post the video on our Youtube channel. We have posted two videos here and plan to edit more in the coming weeks.

We hope to cast our first latex mask in the next few days. The mold will need to dry out for the next few days-3-4 should do it. Its been pretty hot here, which will certainly help speed that along.




We began the molding process on July 3, 2011 early in the morning. We called it a day about 12am. The mold design requires three parts, so this is going to be a complex process. We started creating the clay base of the first case lines about 8am, by 10am we started pouring the first piece of the mold-the head piece. We called it a day at 12am. Between wait on the plaster to set and creating the new caselines, we were only able to complete 2 pieces of the mold. Whats worse, the air conditioning in the studio broke down, and we were working in 89º heat. The clay was very soft, and the work tiring. We still have the 3rd piece to construct, and plan to get started first thing Monday, July 4th. No BBQ for us.


Mask Sculpture Completed: July 1, 2011

The sculpture was finished on July 1, 2011. We added the chest piece, new teeth and the flesh detail mentioned below. The mold is scheduled for Sunday, July 3, 2011. Keep an eye out.


The Mask: Sculpture Update: June 28, 2011


We focused on detail today, mainly the face and ears. This week, June 27th 2011, we will be working on the back of the head, the neck, and the chest. We will also post updates on our faceboook acct. The large lines are hard enough but the fine lines which cover the entire sculpture are overwhelp. Its these line which can make or break a sculpture. Such lines can easily look patterned based, too parallel, and even too random. If you look at the fine lines on your skin, particularly on the back of your wrist, you can see there is pattern without appearing too unform such as you would see in facbric. There are stray random lines, but not so random as they apear to stand out. For example, while looking at your wrist lines might be horizonal, depending on your prospective. From that prospective you don't see delibrate verital lines or steep vertical diagnal lines that stand out in the pattern. Now, image creating those fine lines across an entire sculpture taking care to stay with form and function.

The Mask: Sculpture: June 26, 2011



We began the sculpture as latex mask. This is not the head piece for the suit, though it is based on the werewolf project. Rather, this is yet another test leading up to the construction of the project. We began the sculpture on June 23rd, 2011.

Although this mask isn't intended to be the official head dress for the werewolf costume, it will be sold here at the EDS Store. The above sculpture isn't finished at this point. We are still working on structure, detail, and definition. This image does give you a good idea of what we are working on.

Scale Sculpture: June 15, 2011


In late december we began sculpting a 1:4 scale sculpture of the overall suit. By sculpting a scale version of the suit we can use the sculpture to determine everything from molding needs to design corrections and even how the suit will fit together. After several weeks of research we came up with a design that incorporated several concepts, which had been successful in other films, and our own flare. We continued to stay within the scope of the filmmaker who continues his search for funding.


Concept Bust: June 1, 2011

In November 2010, we began working on concepts for a full body werewolf costume for a European horror film, which later lost its funding. Having put countless hours into the project. We decided to continue on with it in our spare time. Our hope is that the filmmakers might acquire a new sources of funding using our on going efforts as a selling point. Currently, the project remains on hold.